
The Rock Tour Day 1 - Kings Canyon @Watarrka National Park

We start off from Alice Spring to King Canyon, at 05:30, before dawn. It is a cool morning. It takes around 3 hours. I am half-asleep half-awake on the way-_-zzz


In the twinkling of an eye, we arrive King Canyon. Mr Tour Guide gives us two choices: Long Walk and Short Walk. I choose Long Walk, without hesitation, to have a better view. It is 6km long, takes 3.5 hours return.

On your mark! Get set! Go!

Mr Tour Guide says that there are 3 parts of stairway, the first part is the hardest. For me, it is easy easy, as I am well-trained, hahaXD

View from the interval, so spectacular!

Mr Tour Guide tells us about some plants, the gum from this tree can be used as sunscreen!

This plant is living fossil, it has been existing since the age of dinosaur. Mr Tour Guide also tells us that the rocks in King Caynon are composed of sands, brought up by wind and rain long ago.

Mr Tour guide mentions an Australian movie "The Queen of Desert", and he doesn't recommend to watch! Why?

The flower of this plant can be used as a source of sugar.

The leaf of this plant can be used as poison, slow down animal.

Water plant fossil indicates that there was once under water.

From a crack to a canyon
The south wall follows the main crack from which KingS Canyon was formed.

A dead sea's ripple
These ripple marks are evidence there were once shallow lakes at Watarrka, millions of years ago.

The Garden of Eden
The sandstone of Kings Canyon is like a giant sponge that soaks up the rain. Moisture seeping from the rock has turned this deep gully into a lush oasis.

Such a peaceful place!

The fruit of this plant is edible!

Lost City

(Why there is a gate? I simply step across the gap!)

Forget the information of this plant:-P

Kestrel Falls
This dry cliff becomes a spectacular waterfall after heavy rain. It is named after the Australian Kestrels that roost in the cliffs.

After the walk at King Canyon, we enjoy the dinner around camp fire, and sleep under uncountable stars-_-zzz
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